Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP)


c/o Health and Education Unit Commonwealth Secretariat Marlborough House
Pall Mall London SW1Y 5HX UK


The Association of Commonwealth Universities
Woburn House
20–24 Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9HF UK

Year established: 1959 Number of staff: None

Number of subscribing members: More than 30,000 alumni; all Commonwealth countries and dependent territories benefit from awards and more than 20 countries have given them


Aims and objectives:

The CSFP is a unique international programme under which member governments offer scholarships
and fellowships to citizens of other Commonwealth countries. The CSFP was established at the first Commonwealth Education Conference in 1959 and is reviewed by education ministers at their triennial meetings – the only scholarship scheme in the world to receive such high-level recognition. Since then, more than 30,000 individuals have held awards, hosted by more than 20 countries. The CSFP is one of the primary mechanisms of pan-Commonwealth exchange.

Main activities:

There is no central body that manages the CSFP. Instead, participation is based on a series of bilateral arrangements between home and host countries. The participation of each country is organised by a national nominating agency, which is responsible for advertising awards applicable to their own country and making nominations to host countries.

In 2009, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Plan, the CSFP Endowment Fund was established to support scholarships hosted by low- and middle- income Commonwealth countries. Contributions from governments and more than 200 alumni have totalled nearly £7 million to date. The first scholarships were offered in 2011 – in 2015, scholarships are available for Master’s-level study in 14 countries. The fund is managed by the Association of Commonwealth Universities.