Commonwealth Teachers’ Group (CTG)


c/o Christine Blower
CTG Convenor
National Union of Teachers Hamilton House
Mabledon Place London WC1H 9BD UK

Telephone: (44) 20 7388 6191

Fax: (44) 20 7387 8458


Year established: 1996

Number of subscribing members: All Education International affiliates in Commonwealth countries

Officers (2015):

Convenor: Christine Blower, General Secretary, National
Union of Teachers, UK

Aims and objectives:

The primary objective of the CTG is to provide advice and representation of the interests of member organisations within the Commonwealth to the Commonwealth Secretariat and to the collective body of Commonwealth ministers in the context of the policies of Education International. Education International is a global union federation that represents more than 30 million teachers and education workers across the globe.

The CTG also adopts and promotes ethical values and standards in accordance with Education International policies and provides a means for the consideration, discussion and dissemination of information and opinion on matters of common interest to the organisation’s members.

The CTG provides collective and mutual support to member organisations in matters affecting
the interests of those organisations and their members such as may be considered by the CTG to be consistent with the aims of Commonwealth institutions generally.

Main activities:

The CTG is the organiser of the Teachers’ Forum at the 19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (19CCEM).

Recent publications:

The CTG publishes a regular newsletter on educational issues in the Commonwealth. Those wishing to receive a copy of this should email the CTG at